Cookies Policy

1.- What are Cookies?

Cookies, along with similar technologies such as local shared objects, flash cookies or pixels, are tools used by web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors and to provide proper functioning of the site.

2.- Use of Cookies by HabitaRetail

At HabitaRetail we use cookies to remember user preferences, to improve the browsing experience, and to collect data that helps us improve our website and the services we offer.

3.- Types of Cookies:
  • Technical and Functional Cookies: They allow the navigation and use of the different services and options.
  • Analytical Cookies: They help to understand how users interact with the website, collecting data anonymously.
  • Advertising and Behavioral Cookies: They are used to offer advertising more relevant to the user’s interests.
  • Social Cookies: These allow our content to be shared on social networks and may track the user’s online activity.
  • Affiliate Cookies: Allow tracking of visits from other websites with which HabitaRetail has an affiliation contract.
  • Security Cookies: They store information in encrypted form to avoid vulnerabilities.
Treatment of Personal Data

HabitaRetail is responsible for the processing of the user’s personal data and guarantees its treatment in accordance with data protection regulations.

5.- Purposes of the Treatment:
  • Improve user experience.
  • Offer products and services of interest.
  • Analyze traffic to optimize the website.
6.- Legitimacy of the Treatment:

By consent of the user (art. 6.1 GDPR).

Communication of the Data:

The data will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally required or strictly necessary for the provision of the service.

8.- User’s Rights:
  • Withdraw consent at any time.
  • Access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data.
  • File a complaint with the supervisory authority if you believe that the processing does not comply with the regulations in force.
9.- Contact to Exercise Your Rights:

HabitaRetail Consultoria S.L. with NIF: B-56742273

10.- Management of Cookies from the Browser:

Users can configure their browser to accept or reject all cookies by default or to receive an on-screen warning of the reception of each cookie and decide at that time whether to accept or reject them. You can also delete cookies stored on your computer through your browser.

11.- Changes in the Cookies Policy:

HabitaRetail reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as industry practices. In such cases, we will announce on this page the changes introduced reasonably in advance of their implementation.

This document was last updated on September 27, 2023.

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